
DMH Behavior Services

For adults and children not receiving services through our other programs, NIS provides behavior intervention and support on an individualized basis.  Because each program is tailored to the lives of those served, what this can look like varies greatly.  For some in Individualized Supported Living (ISL), our Behavior Analysts will develop a Behavior Support Plan (BSP) that offers ISL staff methods to decrease problem behaviors and increase pro-social behavior. It can also include methods for teaching individuals practical skills, social skills and activities to enrich their environment and provide alternatives to problem behaviors.  Our individual services can also take on the form of community based practice of behavior support plans, social skills learning groups, and natural-home-based interventions, and more.

Services offered: In home ABA Programming, Discrete Trial Training, Toilet Training Program, Feeding Program, Visual Supports, Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA), Behavior Support Plan (BSP), Academic Tutoring, Community Integration, Social Skills Training, Attend IEP Meetings, Classroom Autism Awareness (Friend 2 Friend Model)